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Version 8.11

Release date: 2024-08-22

This release contains a number of bug fixes and new features since the release of pgAdmin 4 v8.10.

Supported Database Servers

PostgreSQL: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17

EDB Advanced Server: 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16

Bundled PostgreSQL Utilities

psql, pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore: 16.3

New features

Issue #2046 - Add a home button to the geometry viewer to set original zoom level when the viewer was opened.


Issue #7705 - Upgrade react-data-grid fork to latest and change pgAdmin accordingly.
Issue #7776 - Introduce custom React Hook useSchemaState to simplify SchemaView component.

Bug fixes

Issue #7499 - Fixed an issue where refreshing the Schema Diff tool opened in a new tab caused an error.
Issue #7540 - Fix server heartbeat logging error after deleting the server.
Issue #7682 - Fixed an issue where the Generate Script ignored filter conditions when a parent node was selected.
Issue #7683 - Fixed an issue where delete object(shortcut key) affecting both text and Object Explorer items.
Issue #7688 - Fix an issue where ERD tool should to be able to open saved pgerd file when using keyboard shortcuts.
Issue #7728 - Updated the documentation for web server authentication.
Issue #7737 - Fixed an issue where the REVOKE statement in the create script was throwing an error if the role contained special characters.
Issue #7748 - Improve code highlighting in query editor.
Issue #7754 - Fix an issue where the wheel package is not getting installed on the arm64-based macOS version < 14.
Issue #7772 - Fixed an issue where column resizing is not working in search objects dialog.
Issue #7775 - Fixed an issue where the value in the find box is not updating with selected text in editor if find is already open and re-triggered.
Issue #7793 - Fixed paths for Flatpak broken after Electron changes.