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Warning: This documentation is for a pre-release version of pgAdmin 4


Version 9.0

Release date: 2025-02-06

This release contains a number of bug fixes and new features since the release of pgAdmin 4 v8.14.

Supported Database Servers

PostgreSQL: 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17

EDB Advanced Server: 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17

Bundled PostgreSQL Utilities

psql, pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore: 17.0

New features

Issue #6513 - Change button labels and color in delete confirmation dialog for all objects to improve UX.
Issue #7708 - Enhanced pgAdmin 4 with support for Workspace layouts.
Issue #8332 - Added the MAINTAIN privilege for PostgreSQL version 17 and above.
Issue #8391 - Add support for OAuth2 profile array response, which also takes care of the GitHub Private Email ID issue.


Issue #8249 - Show the python version used for the pgAdmin server in the about dialog.

Bug fixes

Issue #3273 - Change the logic of setval function, so that the next nextval of sequence will return exactly the specified value.
Issue #5204 - Fixed an issue where pgadmin cannot install into path with non ASCII characters.
Issue #6044 - Fixed an issue where filter dialog save fails when the PostgreSQL server/database connection is lost.
Issue #6968 - Fixed an issue where option key was not registering in PSQL tool.
Issue #8072 - Fixed an issue where Schema Diff not produce difference script for Index definition with where condition.
Issue #8142 - Correct the documentation for the MFA configuration.
Issue #8165 - Fixed an issue where error message from the database server need space between two sentences.
Issue #8199 - Fixed an issue where query tool throws utf-8 decode error when using cursor with binary data.
Issue #8208 - Allow deleting the entry while creating/adding new label to enumeration type.
Issue #8209 - Fixed an issue where properties dialog throwing an error for Materialized View.
Issue #8254 - Fix a formatting issue in View/Edit tool generated SQL where some filters are applied.
Issue #8255 - Fixed an issue where tooltip on a dropdown button is blocking access to dropdown menu.
Issue #8256 - Fix the error occurring while loading preferences on startup.
Issue #8273 - Fixed an issue where copying query tool output cell is not working if any SQL text is selected.
Issue #8299 - Ensure master password pop up is not shown on setting MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED to false.
Issue #8309 - Remove the option “With no data (concurrently)” from Refresh MATERIALIZED VIEW context menu.
Issue #8320 - Fix an issue where wrong information is shown after using the filter on the Dashboard> State tab.
Issue #8365 - Fixed an issue where PSQL tool is not opening if database name have HTML characters in the name.
Issue #8369 - Fixed an issue where Default Privileges and Privileges not working correctly.
Issue #8408 - Fixed an issue where quotes were missing in the CREATE script for the tablespace.