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Warning: This documentation is for a pre-release version of pgAdmin 4

Directory Dialog

Use the Directory dialog to Create an alias for a file system directory path. To create directories, you must have the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY system privilege. When you create a directory, you are automatically granted READ and WRITE privileges on the directory, and you can grant READ and WRITE privileges to other users and roles. The superuser can also grant these privileges to other users and roles.

Please note that directories are supported when connected to EDB Postgres Advanced Server. For more information about using directories, please see the EDB Postgres Advanced Server Guide, available at:

The Directory dialog organizes the definition of a directory through the following tabs: General, Definition, Security, and SQL. The SQL tab displays the SQL code generated by dialog selections.

Directory general tab

Use the fields on the General tab to specify directory attributes:

  • Use the Name field to add a directory alias name. This name will be displayed in the object explorer.

  • Select the owner of the directory from the drop-down listbox in the Owner field.

Click the Definition tab to continue.

Directory dialog definition tab
  • Use the Location field to specify a fully qualified directory path represented by the alias name. The CREATE DIRECTORY command doesn’t create the operating system directory. The physical directory must be created independently using operating system commands.

Click the Security tab to continue.

Directory dialog security tab

NOTE:- This Security tab will be only available for EPAS 17.

Use the Security tab to assign privileges for the directory.

Use the Privileges panel to assign security privileges. Click the Add icon (+) to assign a set of privileges:

  • Select the name of the role from the drop-down listbox in the Grantee field.

  • The current user, who is the default grantor for granting the privilege, is displayed in the Grantor field.

  • Click inside the Privileges field. Check the boxes to the left of one or more privileges to grant the selected privileges to the specified user.

Click the Add icon to assign additional sets of privileges; to discard a privilege, click the trash icon to the left of the row and confirm deletion in the Delete Row popup.

Click the SQL tab to continue.

Your entries in the Directory dialog generate a SQL command (see an example below). Use the SQL tab for review; revisit or switch tabs to make any changes to the SQL command.


The following is an example of the sql command generated by user selections in the Directory dialog:

Directory dialog sql tab

The example shown demonstrates creating a directory named test1. It has a location value equal to /home/test_dir.

  • Click the Info button (i) to access online help.

  • Click the Save button to save work.

  • Click the Close button to exit without saving work.

  • Click the Reset button to restore configuration parameters.