PGD Replication Server Node Dialog¶
Use The Replication Server Node dialog to view an element that run databases and participate in the PGD cluster. A typical PGD node runs a Postgres database, the BDR extension, and optionally a PGD Proxy service.
The dialog organizes the information through the following tabs: General

The Sequence ID field is the identifier of the node used for generating unique sequence numbers.
The ID field is the OID of the node.
The Name field is the name of the node.
The Kind field is the node kind name.
The Group Name field is the PGD group the node is part of.
The Local DB Name field is the database name of the node.
Other buttons:
Click the Info button (i) to access online help.
Click the Save button to save work.
Click the Close button to exit without saving work.
Click the Reset button to restore configuration parameters.